Some old-time classics ... .

Working in the Organizational Science and Business Transformational field of expertise requires that you understand that certain things need to be looked at and understood from a conventional or an unconventional point of view.

This means that you will find some books below that are considered “old-time classics”.


By author:

  • Chip & Dan Heath / Switch
    • On the rider, the elephant, and the path.
  • David H. Maister / Trusted Advisor
    • On trusted advisory.
  • Geert & Gert Jan Hofstede / Cultures And Organizations
    • On global intercultural differences.
  • Jaap Boonstra / Cultural Change And Leadership In Organizations
    • On strategic and cultural change in organizations.
  • John Kotter / My Iceberg Is Melting
    • On seeing the need for change and building a coalition of the willing.
  • Mark Bowden / Winning Body Language
    • On using your body as a communication tool.
  • Patrick Lencioni / Five Dysfunctions Of A Team
    • On the five parameters needed to become a high-performing team.
  • Peter Block / Flowless consulting
    • On your role as a management consultant.
  • Peter Senge / The Fith Discipline
    • On leverage, teamwork, shared values, and building learning organizations.
  • Richard Barrett / Evolutionary Coaching
    • On levels of human consciousness and your mission in life.
  • Richard Barrett / Values-Driven Organizations
    • On the need for a healthy culture and the impact on performance and organizational results.
  • Seth Godin / Tribes
    • On the need for more individual leadership.
  • Spencer Johnson / Who Moved My Cheese
    • On the four basic types that you find in each change track.
  • Stephen R. Covey / Seven Habits Of Highly Effective People
    • On developing and managing yourself.