Where we come from?


The whole idea of Inscriptio is based on what we observed during business transformation programs carried out by our sister company Vade Ad Cor. Although there are much more observations, there is a top three that keeps popping up.


Lack of solid groundwork in the pre-program phase.

A lot of programs are started based on a financial analysis only. Everybody starts without really knowing what the real destination is and if going there will eventually add value.

Some fundamental and pertinent questions often appear, not even to be asked.

  • Will this program help us to achieve the “Commanders Intent”?
  • And “What Needs To Be Secured” in this organization?
  • Are we involving our “Good Rebels”, “Strategists” and “Anchors” in the pre-program phase?
  • Is our organization set up in such a way that the result of the program can be “naturally” incorporated into the “day-to-day” operations of the organization?


So: Are the strategy and organizational design linked and at the same time the basis for deciding which programs to support and which to drop?


Ignorance of the fact that organizations are complex living ecosystems.

Organizations are, in our view, complex living ecosystems. However, many organizations use linear thinking to deal with challenges.

Something is broken and we just need to fix it with a new “part”. In these approaches, employees tend to think of themselves as / feel like mechanical components of a “system”.

As a result:

  • The knowledge that is often already in the organization, is not tapped into. And employees remain unchallenged to obtain their highest potential.
  • Employees no longer sense having a “psychological contract” with the organization, making them decide to “opt out”.
  • There is a lack of leadership and trust in dealing with the future that wants to emerge.
  • The organization loses all vitality required to deal with the existing uncertainty.


So: Do you have authentic and servant leadership in place, mature enough to operate in an often unclear external environment?


Non-executive engagement.

We specifically use the expression executive engagement and not executive sponsorship! Often the executive sponsor kicks off the program and then mysteriously disappears.

The organization risks losing a lot of the much-required direction and support during transformation processes. In order to remain “fearlessly visible” during the program, the key executives involved need to:

  • Understand what the “true essence” of their organization is about and how it can evolve.
  • Ignite the passion that is present in each employee, to help them develop themselves and their organization.
  • Define what kind of organizational design is best fit to nurture/cultivate the new required organizational culture.
  • Have the courage to deal with employees displaying too much self-interest, politics and power play.


So: Do you understand that developing people to their maximum achievable self is not a task, but a privilege?

If you recognize these three points, our Carve (Y)our Future® Program will help you to deal with the organizational challenges ahead. Complemented by our The Way Of The Sherpa® Program, your most valued employees will be able to develop their talents on an individual level. In the Taking Point Leadership® Program we will have made your team leaders courageous and engaged. We hope this will trigger you to read on.